2016 International Aboriginal Tourism Conference

Membertou, NS

December 12th to 14th

Aboriginal tourism operators from across Canada and around the world came to Membertou, Nova Scotia, for three days of sharing best practices and networking at the 2016 IATC. Panel discussion, breakout sessions, keynote presentations and local cultural experiences made this an industry event not to be missed.

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The 2016 International Aboriginal Tourism Conference Logo

The inspiration for the 2016 IATC logo is the 8-point Star Petrolglyph, a significant Mi’kmaw cultural symbol of unity.

In 1983, a man in Bedford, Nova Scotia came across a Mi’kmaw petroglyph of the 8-point star. It is believed that this eight-point petroglyph is over 500 years old.

The eight-point star is understood to be an updated version of the seven-point star; which the Mi’kmaw used to represent the seven districts of their nation. The Mi’kmaw nation grew to eight communities with the addition of the K’Taqmkuk (Newfoundland) into their territory.

The 2016 IATC logo is a representation of this significant Mi’kmaw cultural symbol of unity. Its use of vibrant colour contrasting on dark surfaces and its layered geometric forms are inspired by the works of Mi’kmaw artist Tracey M. Barnaby, most noticeable in her print “Mi’gmaq Unity”

Agenda & Presentations

The first day of the International Aboriginal Tourism Conference featured a range of presentations, key-note speakers, workshops and panel discussions. A choice of one of four local Mi’kmaw cultural tours and events completed the day.

The final day of the Conference featured more informative workshops, key-note speakers, discussions and presentations. The Aboriginal Tourism Association of Canada Awards Gala and Traditional Mi’kmaq Dinner & Performance closed out the conference.

Keynote Speakers

Lunch & Keynote

Michael Nadler

Vice President of External Relations and Visitor Experience

Parks Canada

Carley Duckmanton

Coordinator of Indigenous Tourism, Experiences and Story-Telling Initiative

Parks Canada Places

View Presentation

Day 1 - Tuesday, December 13th

Larrakia Declaration & World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA)

Day 2 - Wednesday, December 14th

Attracting the International Visitor

Aboriginal Tourism - Major Project Planning

Indigenous Tourism Awards

National Award Winners

Most Improved Business

ATAC National Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Award

Atlantic Canada Award Winners

Best Artist or Event

Joe John Sanipas, basket-maker, artist, and elder of the Elsipogtog First Nation, NB

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