Exhibit at the International Indigenous Tourism Conference

The 2024 International Indigenous Tourism Conference (IITC) will feature an Artisan Marketplace that will have traffic from over 1,000 conference attendees. It will include tourism industry organizations, artists, gift-ware & merchandise, tourism experiences and supporting agencies and partners. Each booth includes an 8’x8′ space, draped table and chair, access to power may be available.

Apply here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to take part in the rest of the conference as a vendor?

No, vendors do not have access to participate in the rest of the conference agenda. We expect your booth to be manned at all times when the vendor marketplace is open. If you have purchased a conference ticket, you will be able to participate in the rest of the conference.

I am not a crafter or artist, can I still become a vendor?

While the focus of our vendor marketplace is for Indigenous vendors, we can accommodate booths that are informational.

What are the setup times?

We are currently working with the venue to confirm these details and will share them as soon as they are finalized.

What are the rates to set up?

Indigenous artist/craftsperson – $250.00*

  • This vendor table type is available to Indigenous crafters or artisans whose product inventory will be at least 50% of items that they made themselves.

Indigenous business or organization – $500.00*

  • This vendor table type is available to an Indigenous gift shop or gallery selling goods on behalf of Indigenous crafters, artisans, or goods produced by a third party.

Industry or government – $900.00*

  • This vendor table type is available for supporters of Indigenous tourism in Canada who would like to promote their organization to conference delegates.

*Plus applicable taxes


If you have any questions about becoming a vendor, or require assistance, please contact:

April Thompson, Event Coordinator